Thursday, February 19, 2009

5 Found Albums of 2008

Tommy Boy finally put out his Top 20 of 2008 (found here), and he included a neat idea: his "5 Found Albums of 2008," older albums that he got into last year. After some thought, here's mine:

5. Archers of Loaf: Icky Mettle (1994)

When Chaz was home for Christmas, he suggested I give them a try as I was describing how much I liked Pavement and Built to Spill.

4. The National: Boxer (2007)

C Murder saw them in concert and said they deserved a second chance, and I will admit I do very much enjoy this album.

3. Neutral Milk Hotel: In the Aeroplane Over the Sea (1998)

I had always heard certain tracks off this album and loved them. I finally bought the Album itself last year and I'm pissed I waited so long.

2. The Tough Alliance: The New School (2005)

I think I meant to get this long before, but it was an import I had trouble tracking down.

1. The Hold Steady: Boys and Girls in America (2006)

For some reason I couldn't stand them in college... now they are one of my favorite bands.

1 comment:

  1. I am amazed you took that long to get into The Hold Steady. Every time I hear them I think of you (in that creepy sort of way). I think it's mainly the small town Pennsylvania vibe I get from songs like Massive Night.
